Welcome on Genderexperts.org!

You are about to access a form to create your Gender Expert profile. This profile will be proofread and, if approved, made accessible to journalists seeking interviewees.

It will take around 7 to 10 minutes to fill out your profile. We will ask you your contact details, job title, potential media appearances and a mini biography.

Genderexperts.org collects the profiles of four different types of female experts on gender issues: researchers, professionals, members of civil society and specialized journalists.

You will have to choose one of these profiles when filling out the form.

The main criteria to be considered as a Gender Expert is to be a woman integrating a gender approach in your work or research and/or to work on the following subjects: feminism, gender equality, sexual and sexist violence, equal pay, intersectionality, sexual and reproductive health and rights.

We also have specific criteria depending on each type of expertise:


  • “Research” Gender Experts: female researchers having published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. You have to indicate at least one publication.
  • Professional” Gender Experts: female specialists of their field holding a position of responsibility in an union, federation or professional organization from their sector of activity ; specialists having published at least one article or book on their activity.
  • “Civil society” Gender Experts: women holding a position of responsibility in an association, trade union or an institution.“Journalists” Gender Experts: female specialized journalists having published at least a book, a documentary or a series of articles on their field of expertise ; editorialist.
  • "Journalists" Gender Experts: female specialized journalists having published at least a book, a documentary or a series of articles on their field of expertise ; editorialist.


Access the form

Genderexperts.org is a free and public database. Your professional email will be made public. Your personal email and your phone number will be protected and only made accessible to the accredited journalists.

You are about to start to fill out the form. At the end, you will receive a confirmation email.

In the event you face any issue, you can contact us at contact@genderexperts.org